[AMPS] blowers at lower voltages

measures 2@vc.net
Sun, 22 Apr 2001 09:33:48 -0700

>hello there, 
>The  circuit description for the Alpha 76 amplifier 
>describes the blower AC supply voltage connection 
>through a power transformer winding to "buck" 
>back the voltage to 95 vac.  
>The statement is then made that the blower 
>delivers proper (near full) air flow with less noise 
>than full "normal voltage."  
>Has anyone on amps measured or seen blower 
>data - spec sheets to support these statements.? 
�  Blowers deliver full pressure only at full speed.  Drop the RPM with 
reduced V and pressure drops exponentally.  IOW, the statement seems 
bogus, Skipp.  

Also, Alpha uses bypass/coupling type doorknob caps in tuned circuit 
applications.  I suppose that the designer did not read the Centralab 


-  Rich..., 805.386.3734, www.vcnet.com/measures.  

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