[AMPS] basic question about dipping the plate

Peter Chadwick Peter_Chadwick@mitel.com
Wed, 25 Apr 2001 15:15:27 +0100

Rich says:

>When I design an L-network, XC never  =s XL.  

Agreed, Rich. I don't think you can get an L network to do an impedance
transformation with XC = XL, unless (remember we're talking theoretically) the
output load is either zero or infinity (depending which variety of L network).

However, if you accept resonance as being the applied V and I being in phase,
then the result when a low Q  L network is loaded can be a resonant network -
the working Q of an L network is fixed by the impedance transformation ratio.
Whether or not it's resonant all depends on your definition - bit like Humpty
Dumpty in Alice.

Of course, if you really want to get into a tangle from not defining what a term
means before you start arguing, try 'dynamic range'!


Peter G3RZP

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