[AMPS] FT100D driving Alpha 87a

2 2@vc.net
Wed, 1 Aug 2001 06:31:44 -0700

>> Using the band data output of the FT-1000, this data would be decoded and
>> in turn would be used to address a string of potentiometers that would be
>> used to individually set negative feedback levels back into the FT-1000.
>> This in turn would allow the setting of the power output on any band to
>> any power level simply by adjusting the pot for that band. Fairly easy
>> explanation.....And I DID NOT even need to use 4 letter words to do it....
>Actually that system would depend on leading edge response time 
>of the ALC.
>A better system would decode band data and set fixed negative 
>bias for each band. That bias would get within ten dB or so of 
>proper gain. Then the loop could simply sum-in the correct amount 
>of additional ALC to hold level constant.
>Most ALC systems aren't as bad for splatter as people seem to 

ALC works best if one uses minimal ALC by backing down mic. gain.

>... ...
>There are actually several problems that cause problems. One is 
>many new radios have very poor transmitter IMD performance. Look 
>at the TS-2000 as an example. It is almost class C quality, yet 
>reviews all ignore that fact. 
/\  Good point, Mr. Rauch.  The ARRL Lab. technician who tested the 
AL-1200 amplifier for the QST Product Review told me on the telephone 
that he observed what appeared to be intermittent parasitic related 
arcing in the tank circuitry during testing.  He said he put this in his 
report, but it was edited out before QST went to the printer.  At one 
time, the ARRL was "of by and for amateur radio".  Currently, it seems to 
be "of by and for amateur radio advertisers."

> ... ...

-  R. L. Measures, 805.386.3734,AG6K, www.vcnet.com/measures.  

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