Thu, 16 Aug 2001 18:15:15 -0700
>> In days of yore, when I was active on 80m long-path, there was a turkey
>> in LA who ran an obnoxiously overdriven (160w) SB-200. He would make
>> longish calls in hopes of getting through the sunup pileups. This kept
>> others from hearing the Europeans.
>If he kept others from hearing the Europeans,
He was torpedoing c. 15kHZ. Long path signals on 80m tend to be weak due
to path loss.
> he would have to be
>transmitting while the Europeans were transmitting. Clean amp or dirty amp,
>he was still doubling.
>> If the European station cold hear the 14kW signal in the pileup , he would
>> pick up the feculent station and, with luck, peace would temporarily return
>> c. 15kHZ of the DX window.
>I wonder if the guy with the 14KW felt any level of accomplishment working DX?
>With that kind of power, it would be a matter of spending some time on the
>rather than demonstrating any level of operating skill.
Operating skill is knowing how to build a suitable amplifier. Teddy
was right: "Speak softly and carry a big stick."
cheers, Ken
- R. L. Measures, 805.386.3734,AG6K, www.vcnet.com/measures.
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