[AMPS] Collins 204H-1/GRT-12 HF Amp (2x4CX1000 2-30 MHz)

Steve Hajducek n2ckh@cybercomm.net
Sat, 18 Aug 2001 16:24:14 -0300

At 02:20 PM 8/18/01 -0600, you wrote:

>Hi Steve,
>Yup...those are the exact dimensions alright! It runs off 240 VAC single 
>phase, and
>I installed a little power supply and relay driver circuity so that 
>grounding a wire
>switches the amp into XMIT mode and also applies 28 VDC to the external 
>I think the weight now may be a bit less than 600 poungs, though, since it 
>no longer
>has the auto tuning module (has to be tuned manually) and I did remove the 
>driver RF
>deck (which reduced the weight a little bit, anyway).  But it still is a 
>heavy duty brute! I sit mine here on a little plywood platform with 
>casters on it.
>Please let me know if you run across any HFers in the Pacific Northwest 
>who might be
>interested ;-)  Won't run 14 kw on 160m, but then again, you CAN afford to 
>pay the
>electric bill for the filaments on THIS amp ;-)  Should be able to stick 
>in a pair
>of 4CX1500's I suppose if you really wanted to melt coax.  TNX and VY 73, 
>Lance Collister, W7GJ (ex: WN3GPL, WA3GPL, WA1JXN, WA1JXN/C6A, ZF2OC/ZF8)
>P.O. Box 73
>Frenchtown, MT  59834  USA
>TEL: (406) 626-5728   FAX:(406) 728-6320
>URL: http://www.bigskyspaces.com/w7gj

Hi Lance,

The 204F had not autotune features, manual only, otherwise sounds like the
204H is almost the same. I have a page at my website with photo''s, schematic
and other data. The 204F is basically the big brother of the 30S-1. It is 
in color, style and parts, as a matter of fact, a number of parts are the same
in the 30S-1.

Good luck in finding it a new home.

/s/ Steve, N2CKH

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