[AMPS] time in service indicator
skipp isaham
Sun, 26 Aug 2001 08:54:29 -0700
Hello there,
This months issue of QST has a product review of the new Ten
Tec 416 Titan II HF Amplifier.
Ten Tec has chosen to use the Svetlana 4CX1600B tube,
which "should last many, many years and-if there's a problem
Svetlana warranties the tube based on its time in service."
The magic words are the statement which follows in the next
few lines.... "According to Scott Robbins, W4PA, of Ten Tec,
Svetlana claims to have a method for determining length of
service by analyzing the tube itself, but this warranty has
yet to be exercised."
In large lamps and tubes I deal with, suppliers are providing
products which have small series heater lead time lapse
indicators and we know about thermal paint...
What other magic length of service indicator can one install
inside the actual tube..? Maybe this one got by me...
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