[AMPS] Question : 4CX800 Amplifier 6-10-12-15-17-20 meters

John Peters pe1ogf@iaehv.nl
Mon, 03 Dec 2001 20:53:03 +0100

Hi All,

I want to construct an amplifier for the following bands 6-10-12-15-17 and 20m
using a 4CX800 Tetrode. Is there anyone here who can help me with some designs
?? I'm mainly intrested in the plate circuit. 

I've read on the Svetlana page that input can be very easily done by a
resistive input 

>From : http://www.svetlana.com/docs/TechBulletins/technoteNo42.html

The 4CX800 may be run with a passive grid circuit, nominally 50ohms. This is
to ensure stability, without requiring neutralization. However, to obtain a
peak RF voltage of 35V across a 50ohm resistor, a driving power of 12.3w would
be needed.

Any info will be very welcome,

73! de John pe1ogf

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