[AMPS] AL1500
Mon, 3 Dec 2001 15:31:07 -0800
>A friend of mine, an F3... , (has no internet access) wants to know:
>Does anyone know what the AL-1500 is _really_ capable and under what
> ...
// The AL-1500 is seemingly capable of VHF or UHF parasitic
oscillation. The AL-1500 is - to my knowledge - the only commercially
manufactured 8877 HF amplifier that does not use a parasitic suppressor,
According to a number of Al-1500 owners, its 8877 has a high mortality
rate. Several owners have reported that their AL-1500 had multiple 8877
failures during the first 12-months. See Figures 24 and 24.1 on my Web
site for details.
cheers, Alex
- R. L. Measures, 805.386.3734,AG6K, www.vcnet.com/measures.
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