[AMPS] AL1500

Steve Katz stevek@jmr.com
Tue, 4 Dec 2001 07:36:46 -0800

	Were there "known bad runs" or lots of 8877s?  Sounds like maybe
there were.

	I've used them for many years and never had one fail, usually
obtaining "pulls" from plasma RF generators or metal sputtering equipment.
I've never actually purchased one new.


> >
> >Hmmmm...
> >
> >That does not seem to answer my friends question ...
> >
> >However, the parasitic oscillations should be taken care by the grid
> current
> >measuring system that will shut down the amp if excessive grid current
> will
> >flow ( I did some homework, as you see) ... This should protect the tube
> >and tell you that something is wrong with the unit. Operating it further
> >under this conditions are not advisable.
> >
> //   As I understand it, the grid-protect circuit does not prevent 
> gold-sputtering, a major cause of 8877 fatality. 
> >...
> -  R. L. Measures, 805.386.3734,AG6K, www.vcnet.com/measures.  
> end
> --
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