[AMPS] 6m amp with 8877, blocking caps, etc.
Steve Thompson
Wed, 5 Dec 2001 16:00:36 -0000
-----Original Message-----
From: Michael J. Tubby B.Sc. (Hons) G8TIC <mike.tubby@thorcom.co.uk>
To: amps@contesting.com <amps@contesting.com>; Ian White, G3SEK
Date: 05 December 2001 15:29
Subject: [AMPS] 6m amp with 8877, blocking caps, etc.
>Last week I put the amp back into service in the shack with a much
>smaller supply (3200V at 600mA) originally used on a single 3-500 for
>6m. When tuning up the amp I have noticed that:
>1. I can only get 400W out before high grid current
>2. the standing current is very low (about 30mA)
>3. gain appears to have gone up (10W in for 400W out => 16dB?)
>4. it will take off and oscillate quite easily if mis tuned
Sounds like you've broken it good and proper! Any idea what the frequency of
oscillation is?
You're welcome to bring it back again. New office has much better access.
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