[AMPS] AL1500

2 2@vc.net
Wed, 5 Dec 2001 20:35:56 -0800

>AG6K said ...
>> So why did you stonewall me six times during the Grate Parasitics
>>Debate when I asked you:  is there a VHF parasitic suppressior in the
>>AL-1500?  (a disloyal AL-1500 owner eventually informed me that there
>>isn't any).
>Uhh ... without putting words in Tom's mouth ... because it was easier to
>blame Eimac's bum run of tubes for most of the late 1980s than to blame
>amplifier engineering shortcomings?
Agreed, however, this was way after the heat dam mfg defect was 
corrected, and most amp builders knew it.   As I see it, most of us knew 
that Henry, Alpha, Dentron and all the rest used parasitic suppressors 
for a good reason.  My guess is that after Tom professed that the 8877 
didn't need any VHF parasitic osc. suppressor whatsoever, he likely 
feared that admitting error might jeopardize his "recogmized expert" 
status -- i.e. lessen RX respect.    

cheers, Jim

-  R. L. Measures, 805.386.3734,AG6K, www.vcnet.com/measures.  

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