[AMPS] AL1500
Thu, 6 Dec 2001 06:55:19 -0800
>By comparison, my PA70-V uses the same darlington EBS circuit to the
>cathode, but Q2 does not exist as this was a feature
>"enhancement" in the PA-77 which later replaced the PA70 series. Instead,
>a 1/4-amp grid fuse is placed in series with the 8.2 V
>zener diode to the tube's cathode.
>Now, to Rich's point (I believe)...the fuse may in fact blow faster in
>this arrangement than in the case of the PA-77 where a
>sampled switching transistor operates a relay to force a standby
>condition. The relay uses no special acceleration circuit. So, it
>would be an interesting test to measure the "break" time of the fuse
>versus a transistor/relay combination.
A conventional relay adds c. 15mS delay. My assumption - based on 8877
autopsies - is that this delay may be problematic because gold-sputtering
occasionally happens. In my experience, fast fuses serve well in
protecting the screen grid against excessive dissipation. Thus, I am not
surprised that the 70-V's 1/4A grid-fuse performed its job
-- Sometimes mo' complicated is not mo' betta.
> ... ... ...
cheers, Paul
- R. L. Measures, 805.386.3734,AG6K, www.vcnet.com/measures.
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