[AMPS] SB-200 & 10MHz
Thu, 13 Dec 2001 05:19:41 -0800
>Hi all,
>Just like to know if you have done modifications for SB-200 linear to get it
>operational on 10MHz??
// 10MHz requires a bandswitch with an additional contact because 10MHz
is too far from from 7MHz or 14MHz to allow sharing bands -- such as
>Any instruction available? Also interested to add
>1,8MHz. All hints are very welcome!
// 1.8MHz is difficult to add to a SB-200 because, unlike the SB-220,
there is not much room for the added L, Tune-C, and Load-C padders.
cheerio, Jukka
- R. L. Measures, 805.386.3734,AG6K, www.vcnet.com/measures.
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