[AMPS] Fwd: Upgrade to meter program
Sat, 15 Dec 2001 10:35:25 -0800
>A couple of weeks ago we had a thread about replacing
>meter faces. I gave WB6BLD's URL to the reflector at
>that time. He has now asked that I forward this
>information. Thanks. P.
>Note: forwarded message attached.
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>Date: Sat, 15 Dec 2001 09:13:04 -0600
>From: Jim Tonne <tonne@airmail.net>
>Subject: Upgrade to meter program
>The meter-scale drawing program from
>has had two upgrades in the last couple
>of weeks. If you are still into that activity,
>you should check the latest version (1.14).
>I would appreciate it if you would bring
>this to the attention of the contesting group;
>it appears they are into hom-brewing in a
>very big way indeed.
// For Mac OS 7 - 9._ users, MacDraft 2.1 works well for drawing
schematic diagrams, making meter scales, on and on. Free copies are
yours for the asking. MacDraft 2.1 has been updated several times to v.
4.5, so a newer version can be purchased if desired.
- R. L. Measures, 805.386.3734,AG6K, www.vcnet.com/measures.
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