[AMPS] Transformer Current ratings
Sat, 15 Dec 2001 14:45:52 -0800
>I remember this - it was done by a guy with a dutch last name. It was a 2
>KVA supply, around 2 KV. It was the size of a shoe box and weighed 10 or 15
>lbs. I believe it was included just one year in the ARRL Handbook -
>possibly mid- to- late 80's.
>The only problem I see with these SMPS is that the parts count is high, and
>they're far more complex than the simple brute-force linear supplies we use
>for amps. I think the trade-off of high weight/volume and low parts count
>against low weigh/volume but high complexity is what has kept SMPS out of
>the amateur linear amp scene.
// Amen, Phil. The "Plywood Box" amplifier used a Dahl 68-lb Hipersil
transformer, a 0.1lb rectifier and a 9lb. filter C bank. That works out
to about 5.5lbs of anode PS for each kW PEP out on SSB.
>At 07:33 PM 12/15/2001 +0000, you wrote:
>>There was a design for a high voltage (~ 2 kV) SMPS in an old issue of QEX
>>- the
>>ARRL's technical journal. I don't know if it is possible to search (or
>>even find the article online at the ARRL web site). I can't recall the exact
>>power level, but it was only a couple of kW or so. This was about 5 or
>>10 years ago.
>>I did contemplate trying to design a larger (10 kW) SMPS, but came to the
>>conclusion it would be a nice thing to do if my employer was paying for the
>>inevitable blown up components. One can't go too far wrong with a simple
>>transformer/rectifier, but I think building a switch mode supply is a
>>matter altogether.
>>Dr. David Kirkby Ph.D,
>>email: drkirkby@ntlworld.com
>>former email address: davek@medphys.ucl.ac.uk
>>web page: http://www.david-kirkby.co.uk/
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