[AMPS] Two-tone audio generator for testing IMD?

Jim Strohm jstrohm@texas.net
Mon, 17 Dec 2001 10:17:56 -0600

AG6K asks --

>//   Which manufacturer invented the exciter cleaner upper?  Was a patent

I don't think pre-distortion is a patentable technique.

At microwave frequencies, pre-distortion is used by practically everybody
in the business to improve amplifier efficiency AND linearity.  There may
be some techniques that perform adaptive pre-distortion that are
patentable, but since I have only a cursory interest in this field, I
couldn't say.

If I find something that has been patented, I'll pass it along --
practically all the pre-distortion techniques in use now are for high-speed
digital (celphone and its variants, primarily) applications.  For us, the
easy answer is to stick in a bigger final -- something with handles, maybe.

The idea of an "exciter cleaner upper" is about as silly as those magnets
you clamp on the fuel line of your car to get better mileage.  Want better
mileage?  Clean up the things you know are wrong -- do a tune-up, match the
intake and exhaust ports, port the heads, and tune the exhaust.

For a radio, this would include the obvious -- turning down the mic gain is
your first step!


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