[AMPS] Transformer Current ratings
Ian White, G3SEK
Ian White, G3SEK" <g3sek@ifwtech.com
Mon, 17 Dec 2001 13:28:07 +0000
2 wrote:
>>One other trick to check a transformer is to measure the resistance of the
>>secondary winding. ...
>// Bingo. The primary winding R as well as the mains R are also
The *effective* secondary resistance - including the contribution from
the primary - is the value that should be used in calculations.
If the primary resistance is too low to measure accurately (which it
should be for the kind of transformers we're interested in!) the total
effective secondary resistance is roughly double the measured secondary
73 from Ian G3SEK Editor, 'The VHF/UHF DX Book'
'In Practice' columnist for RadCom (RSGB)
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