[AMPS] Transformer Current ratings

2 2@vc.net
Mon, 17 Dec 2001 12:31:27 -0800

>2 wrote:
>>>One other trick to check a transformer is to measure the resistance of the
>>>secondary winding. ...
>>//   Bingo.  The primary winding R as well as the mains R are also
>The *effective* secondary resistance - including the contribution from 
>the primary - is the value that should be used in calculations.
//   True  

>If the primary resistance is too low to measure accurately (which it 
>should be for the kind of transformers we're interested in!) the total 
>effective secondary resistance is roughly double the measured secondary 
//  Agreed.  However a low R can be accurately measured with a DMM by 
putting 1ADC through the primary and measuring V drop.  1.0mV drop = 
1.0m�.  The same method is useful for evaluating vacuum relay contact 

cheers, Ian

-  R. L. Measures, 805.386.3734,AG6K, www.vcnet.com/measures.  

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