[AMPS] Bypassing Screen of 4cx800a for 50 MHz

Michael J. Tubby B.Sc. (Hons) G8TIC mike.tubby@thorcom.co.uk
Wed, 19 Dec 2001 09:19:32 -0000

----- Original Message -----
From: "Steve Thompson" <g8gsq@qsl.net>
To: <amps@contesting.com>
Sent: Tuesday, December 18, 2001 6:51 PM
Subject: Re: [AMPS] Bypassing Screen of 4cx800a for 50 MHz

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Lamb <k7fm@teleport.com>
> To: Steve Thompson <g8gsq@qsl.net>; amps@contesting.com
> <amps@contesting.com>
> Date: 18 December 2001 12:47
> Subject: Re: [AMPS] Bypassing Screen of 4cx800a for 50 MHz
> >Steve asked:
> >
> >"This is an honest question, not a carping comment. Is bypassing the
> cathode
> >to ground at -350V easier or less critical than bypassing the screen at
> >+350V?"
> >
> >You were probably always causing problems for your teachers - asking
> >difficult questions just to see if you could stump them.
> Only when I wanted to understand something better. Interestingly,
> my questions elicit no response at all.
> >The 4CX250 has 4 cathode pins.  So, if you are cheap and do not want to
> >the proven, but expensive, socket with the built in screen bypassing,
> >it should be easier to bypass the cathode - since you have 4 shots at
it -
> >to get a low inductance bypass.
> Indeed, Rich and Mike made much the same comment. The view appears to be
> that it's not as critical as screen decoupling. That's what I had thought,
> but imperfect cathode decoupling puts a reactance rather than a resistance
> in the way. The volts across the reactance will reduce the gain, but it
> offers a point where signals can get fed back to the grid. I wondered if
> phase element might be troublesome - in practice, I guess it isn't.
> Steve

Its true that the reactance of the cathode decoupling (or is it coupling hi
hi :-)
was considered a problem and the author of the 144MHz 1990 ARRL
design spoke of using 220pF DM19 Silver Mica capacitors with precisely
1/4" long leads argueing that this was series resonant at 144MHz and was
semi-critical in the design/implementation, however I later had
with two hams in the USA that had built the beast and they said that the
make, value and mounting arrangements of the cathode (de)coupling caps
were non-critical :~)

The 144MHz 1990 ARRL design has around 25-26dB gain and one that
I used back in 1987 (Mick G1EZF's) was unconditionally stable, needed
(had) no neutralisation and produced >900W out driven with an IC202S

If I were going to build a single Tetrode amp on 6m or 2m I'd consider
running the screen at deck - RF simplicity at (slight) HT complexity (ie.
need for a B- lead).


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