[AMPS] Roller inductor for amp
Wed, 19 Dec 2001 05:53:03 -0800
>Hi all,
>Been looking suitable roller inductor for linear tank circuit. Now I like to
>know if one of you having experience of using available 0.1-40uH variable
>edge wound inductor offered by Surplus Sales of Nebraska? Yes, I know it is
>quite expencive one but in the first place I am interest of its quality and
>power handling capability. The add promising a lot. What is your opinion and
>experiments about it?
>If some one of you using and driving it by step motor or similar that will
>interest me as well.
>Also interested all info to find similar (or better) litle bit less price.
>Target is to find good roller and drve it with step motor.
// For how many amperes of tank circulating current? For SSB or for
RTTY? For 1.8 - 29MHz?
cheers, Jukka
- R. L. Measures, 805.386.3734,AG6K, www.vcnet.com/measures.
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