[AMPS] HV Pole Pig Transformers
Wed, 19 Dec 2001 14:10:45 -0500
And as a point of information, a Dahl transformer of this size runs around $500 or $600, with shipping around $50 or $60 in CONUS.
I'm cheap and I like to get my hands dirty, so for this price I might or might not rewind a pole pig. There's a lot to be said for being able to order a custom transformer wound to EXACTLY the right voltage, and then being able to drop it into the power supply a few weeks later -- or days, if it's a stock item. $600 is not that expensive if your time is worth anything at all to you. I figure it takes me 6 hours to rewind a filament transformer, spread over several days. For the sake of argument, I always price myself at a dollar a minute -- so you can see that it adds up fast!
PS Rich was testing that 15 KW level into a dummy load....right?
Rich 2@vc.net said:
// Buy a new Peter W. Dahl with the right V taps. His 69-pounder will
do c. 15k out on SSB using an 8171 or 8170. Photos r on my Web site.
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