[AMPS] HV Pole Pig Transformers

Phil (VA3UX) phil@vaxxine.com
Wed, 19 Dec 2001 17:54:34 -0500

They work just fine if they have a secondary voltage that is usable for 
your project. There are several that have been in use in home brew amps up 
here in Ontario for years and years. I ran a 5 KVA unit here for about 6 
years myself with no problems. In all cases, these were removed from the 
oil and the bulky can.

Precautions :

1) Have the oil tested for PCB content. The cost here in Ontario is about 
$15. If you can verify from the metal tag on the can that the unit was 
built with no PCB's, you have no worries.

2) Remove the transformer from the can and let it drain for about a 
month.  When you first put it under load and generate some internal heat in 
the thing, it will drip a little more but that'll be the end of it.

3) Before you buy it, look at the oil in the can. If it is clear/clean 
looking with perhaps a slight amber or greenish color then the transformer 
itself is probably fine.  If the oil looks dark or dirty, the transformer 
itself is probably no good.  I speak from experience.

4) For the purpose of supplying an amateur linear amplifier (ie. 
intermittent service), the transformer will supply it's rated capacity (and 
a whole lot more) even though it is out of oil.

5) Because it will be out of oil, the transformer should be used indoors in 
a dry location.  Might sound obvious but some people have mounted big power 
supplies or big mono-band amplifiers in their garages.  These transformers 
have no protection against moisture ingress once they are out of oil and  a 
garage is subject to greater swings in temperature and humidity than a 
house.  Indoors they seem to run for ever without a problem.

Good luck


At 10:00 AM 12/19/2001 -0800, you wrote:

>I've been offered one of these at a very low cost.
>I'd like to hear from guys that have used these type
>of transformers to build HV Power Supplies for their
>amps.  Any tips or precautions?
>Bill Smith KO4NR
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