[AMPS] Power Supply Transformer Voltage Ratings Question
Bill Smith
Thu, 20 Dec 2001 06:50:06 -0800 (PST)
If I require a 1750 volt power supply for an amplifier
that loaded will draw 1 amp of current how do I
account for the peak voltage (1750 x 1.414). In other
words the 1750 volts will peak at a little over 2400
volts unloaded and this is what the capacitors will
charge up to. If the tubes are max rated for 1750
volts then I would be supply too much voltage to them
when they were not drawing significant current. Does
this mean I need a lower voltage transformer to
account for the peaks and just make sure this
transfomer's VA rating can supply the load without an
excessive voltage drop?
Thanks and73,
Bill Smith KO4NR
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