[AMPS] HV Pole Pigs ++

Jim Bryant kc5vdj@yahoo.com
Thu, 20 Dec 2001 20:45:55 -0600

No offense, but we destroyed one of their planes, and killed their pilot.  If a Chinese spy plane was playing chicken with an F-18, 
and took out the F-18, killing the pilot, leaving their plane damaged, forcing their plane to land on our own runway, would you hand 
over the plane and the crew immediately to the Chinese, no questions asked?  Would you say "You killed our pilot, but you are free 
to go home, take your plane with you, we won't do any snooping"?  One day, these roles will be reversed, count on it.

Your racism is showing, I think AMPS isn't the place for it though.  Take it to the wife of the pilot our boys killed.

ToddRoberts2001@AOL.COM wrote:

> After the Chinese held our flyboys against their will on Hainon Island and 
> stripping all the technology from the plane that they could, I would not do 
> business with those creeps. The hottest video going around China now is one 
> glorifying the WTC bombing with a commentator telling that the US can be 
> defeated. Every transformer you buy from the Chicoms probably buys bullets 
> for the PLA ( Peoples Liberation Army). I will not buy anything made in China 
> if I can help it and I would hope most other Americans would do the same.
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          ET has one helluva sense of humor!
     He's always anal-probing right-wing schizos!
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  United Nations Secretary General B.B.Ghali, 1995

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