[AMPS] Isolation Transformer Voltage

2 2@vc.net
Tue, 25 Dec 2001 14:01:28 -0800

>I came across a Power Conditioner that was being
>tossed out.  I stripped everything out but the
>transformer so I could use it as an isolation
>transformer.  I was hoping to get the input voltage to
>the my amps down to about 118 to 120 or so.  I want to
>make sure the Filament voltages are not too high as
>they are on the high limit of the tubes now.

//   My factory-stock TL-922 had 5.3vac on the filaments.  This would 
have resulted in about 8% of the normal tube life.  I dropped the 
filament V by using smaller gauge wires between the fil. xfmr and the 
fil. choke.  The wires ran warm to the touch but not hot enough to 

>The transformer has two taps, one is 111 vac and the
>other is 1:1 with the input power from the receptacle
>at 122.3 vac.
>What is the best way to lower this voltage other than
>removing some turns from the transformer?  111 vac is
>too low.
>Bill Smith KO4NR
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-  R. L. Measures, 805.386.3734,AG6K, www.vcnet.com/measures.  

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