[AMPS] For who well know 8877
Sat, 29 Dec 2001 09:57:47 -0800
>i have an 8877 has carved this acronym ewm282 ( is date code ??)
>of which I do not know the history , used or not used (apparently new).
>I use it in an amplifier with stripline on 2 meters.
>confronting the result with the tecnical given of the 3/15/89
>the difference that I find is in the grid current
>Eimac told 3500 volt , 1Amp , 64 watt input , 2075 watt output ,74 ma
>grid. (at 30 mhz)
>my result are :
>3500 volt , 1Amp , 70 watt input , 2025 watt output ,120 ma grid.
>i had tried also as data sheet of eimac told for 88-108 operation
>at 2000 ,2500, 3000 , 4000 volt.
>the is the same more grid current than the data sheet.
>i had tried some different output circuit but little difference.
>the tube is capable with 100 watt input , to draw 1,5 amp. and an output
>of 3700 watt (at 4000 volt).
>the question is :
>is my tube exausted ?
>is my tube defective ?
>people that working in brodcast fm , has told me , that they use
>amplifier at 2500 watt whit 80~100 ma grid
>2000 watt 40~60 ma grid
>If I disalign the load coming down from 2000 watt to 1800 the grid
>current go down to around 40 ma.
// The 8877 grid is rated at 25w. Since the driving potential is
‰75Vrms, even 250mA would be ok.
cheers, Alfredo.
-- I make your famous sauce for Barilla pasta with chicken and broccoli.
It is wonderful. Thanks
- R. L. Measures, 805.386.3734,AG6K, www.vcnet.com/measures.
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