[AMPS] For who well know 8877

Alfredo Rosati I5UXJ alfredo@cln.it
Sat, 29 Dec 2001 23:07:41 +0100

> Again, this seems to indicate that the amplifier is underloaded.
> Alternate between increasing the load to lower your grid current
> and increasing the driving power.  Your 70 watts of drive may be
> a bit low depending on your input matching circuit.  If your input
> circuit is wrong and you lose even 1 dB (10% of the available drive)
> it accounts for the difference between your results and what the FM
> broadcast users see.

i have tried , i do not think tath this is the good mode to work the
because the grid go down , but the adode current go up , the result is
low grid dissipation , but great plate dissipation , and aroud the
maximum plate dissipation i think tath the best choice is , best
efficiency at the cost of more grid current

any suggestion are accepted

> Your amplifier is delivering 14 dB *NET* gain (gain after circuit
> losses) and the tube is rated for about 15 dB gain in grounded
> grid operation.  Can your broadcast friends tell you how much drive
> they are using?   In my experience with an 8877 broadcast transmitter
> it used a 4CX250B IPA (driver) and was capable of more than 150 Watts
> (depending on screen voltage) drive.
> I would recommend (1) adjusting or modifying your input circuit
> and (2) increasing the available (clean) drive then see if your
> results don't improve (if you even need the additional power).

the input tuned seem to work fine , ros 1,1 max power output.

hello alfredo i5uxj

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