[AMPS] Chassis
Mon, 31 Dec 2001 18:19:21 +0000
> Aluminum panels can be cut easily with a table saw or even a hand
> held
> circular saw.
That might work for some, but not me!!
Using a table saw IMHO to do that work can be very dangerous
without a special jig to hold the work! It is MUCH safer to use
a Radial Arm saw and CLAMP down both "sides" of the cut area
before cutting....there's virtually no chance of "kickback" if
one does that. Hold the saw "arm" rather stiffly to prevent
the saw blade from "hogging" into the cut, and use a slow,
steady feed.
So, you don't happen to have a radial arm saw? No problem...
Another saw that's even safer and that's a inexpensive hand held
"saber saw". Clamp a guide, such as a straight piece of wood
or angle stock on the aluminum sheet to make very straight cuts.
With the right kind of blade one can even cut holes for the large
tube sockets, etc.
One thing about cutting aluminum with any saw is that the
aluminum can cause the build up of a false cutting
edge on the saw teeth.
To help prevent that, lubricate the saw blade with a beeswax
candle prior to cutting. One some cuts, lubricate the cut
area too. BTW, don't use oil!! It can really make a mess!!
>All you need to do is go to Sears (or other store)
> and get a
> blade that will cut nonferrous metal.
Yep, good idea to have the right blade. When using a circular
blade, I prefer to use one with carbide teeth.....lasts
many time longer that a standard blade.
Charlie, N0TT
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