[AMPS] Additional Tube Brand Questions

measures 2@vc.net
Thu, 1 Feb 2001 05:11:41 -0800

>Hi Jason,
>> I just looked at RF Parts.  They have a matched pair of 3-500ZG
>> (3-500ZG RFP) for about $255.  I think that they are Svetlana tubes. 
>As far as I know, Svetlana never made and production 3-500Z 
>tubes. As I recall they re-labelled some Chinese tubes, 
>accidentally stamping "made in USSR" on them. 
>You will have multiple problems trying to substantially increase the 
>output of an L4B, not just power supply issues. If you did NOT have 
>multiple problems, then obviously Drake did not engineer the PA 
>well and they wasted money on things that were needlessly large.
Amen to that, Mr.  Rauch.       

-  Rich..., 805.386.3734, www.vcnet.com/measures.  

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