[AMPS] 80/40 antenna back up

Chuck Counselman ccc@space.mit.edu
Thu, 1 Feb 2001 15:27:52 -0500

At 2:20 PM -0500 2001/2/1, Bob Duckworth wrote:
>My antenna of choice for 80/40 since 1984.
>A full size, 80m, rectangular, vertical plane, loop.
>Open wire feed.
>Top wire at 45'
>1/8 wave verticals.
>Feed 1/8 wave from a bottom corner (compromise for
>my desired radiation angles and azimuth based on
>location of trees :-)
>AA4RM and I are going to write it up with a little math
>and a lot of handwaving...

I look forward to reading your paper.  Seriously.  I've spent a lot of time
modeling wire antennas with NEC-4, putting them up, and (inadequately)
measuring them.  I hope you'll include NEC-4 modeling with realistic ground

Please confirm my understanding of your antenna configuration.  Is the
perimeter of your loop (nearly) 80 meters?  Like a "fat" folded dipole?

Is each vertical side 10 meters (33 feet) long, so that the lower side is
45 minus 33 = 12 feet above the ground?  If so, I fear you're dissipating a
lot of power in the ground.

-Chuck W1HIS

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