[AMPS] switches
Bob & Linda McGraw K4TAX
Fri, 09 Feb 2001 21:13:38 -0800
Phil: I agree.
Anyway, as I understand things, it's best to short the un-used turns out
to prevent a high EMF on un-terminated taps and thus causing a
flash-over or arc in the bandswitch. At the same time, I figured out
that by doing so, shorting the turns, this created a "shorted turn"
situation and some lost energy and heating would result. I guess it
makes a difference which end is shorted. Short from the output to the
input side of the coil or from the plate end toward the output.
I'm sure someone can straighten me out on this.
Phil VA3UX wrote:
> Tom, if I read Carl's original question properly, I think he was asking '
> what is the electrical purpose of choosing a progressively shorting switch
> over one that isn't'. Carl : yes/no ?
> Phil
> At 08:39 PM 2/9/2001 -0500, carl seyersdahl wrote:
> >
> >Tom: I've called many parts by the wrong names over the years, I guess. I
> >was referring ,I guess, to the progressively shorting switch seen in so many
> >amps today, as opposed to what I've seen in many construction articles,
> >where they use what I would call a "break before make " type. Both types do
> >essentially the same thing, IE. progressively shorting the tank coil turns.
> >Other than the area of the switch contacts, I can't see much difference in
> >the two setups although there might be some electronic reasoning behind
> >them!! carl / kz5ca
> >
> >
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