[AMPS] Runaway amp

measures 2@vc.net
Tue, 20 Feb 2001 07:34:04 -0800

> AMP: Harris RF-110A (Pair of 4CX-1500Bs)
> PROBLEM: Plate current and power output creep up after about 15 seconds 
> "keydown" condition.  
> The amplifier will "run away" with itself until the overloads kick in.
> Scenario: Amp is excited to about a kw output with carrier.  Key down for 
> seconds.  Power slowly increases to 1400 watts and would keep on increasing 
> until the overloads kick it off.  When I let up on the key, the idling 
> current is high and then it slowly returns to its normal state.
> Have measured the grid bias, no change under "heat up conditions."  Same 
> the zener regulated screen voltage supply. (I had thought the zeners were 
> heating up and causing the screen voltage to rise, thus causing the 
> in amplification.  Apparently not so, no measurable increase in screen 
> voltage.)
> I do not have extensive experience with ceramic tubes.  Is this runaway 
> output because of "soft" tubes?  They REALLY put out.  Or maybe it is 
> runaway, though the powerful air system on this military amp is working ok 
> (and certainly makes enough noise). 
> Under SSB conditions everything appears normal -- obviously due to the 
> markedly lower duty cycle.  
> Anybody got any ideas?
> Mike
> W0YR
>Date: Fri, 16 Feb 2001 12:17:03 -0500
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>From: W0YR@aol.com
>Date: Fri, 16 Feb 2001 08:14:27 EST
>Subject: Creepy Amplifier
>AMP: Harris RF-110A (Pair of 4CX-1500Bs)
>PROBLEM: Plate current and power output creep up after about 15 seconds 
>"keydown" condition.  
>The amplifier will "run away" with itself until the overloads kick in.
A� is not legal on HF.  


-  Rich..., 805.386.3734, www.vcnet.com/measures.  

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