[AMPS] SB-220 High input SWR and transceiver fold back

Bob Alexander realex@flash.net
Wed, 21 Feb 2001 17:37:48 -0600

If the amp input SWR is 1.2:1 with the FT847 in the CW mode and has a
problem in the SSB
mode, I would think there is a problem with the Yaesu ALC and/or SWR
monitoring circuit.
Input SWR to the amp should not change from one mode to the other.
73, Bob, W5AH

-----Original Message-----

I have been having a problem with my FT-847 transceiver output power being
folded back when driving a SB-220 in SSB mode due to erratic SB-220 input
SWR.  The input SWR of the amplifier is varying between 1:1 and 5:1.  As the
SWR increases, the power of the transceiver reduces due to the automatic
fold back circuits and therefore amplifier output power reduces accordingly.
If the transceiver is set to CW then SWR is 1.2:1 and amplifier produces
full output.

My previous TS-830S exciter always produced correct output ... but it didn't
have any fold back circuits either.

Is this a normal situation using solid state exciters?

Thanks for any comments.

John (VE7JDB)

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