[AMPS] k2riw 2m amp!

David Kirkby drkirkby@ntlworld.com
Sat, 24 Feb 2001 23:24:46 +0000

I perhaps did not make it clear that each tube should produce around 300
W in class AB1 - ie 600 W for a two tube amp. In class C each tube
produces around 380 W if memory serves me correct. Obviously, if the
tubes are pushed beyond their ratings (not exactly unknown in amateur
circles), you will get more power. 

Dr. David Kirkby Ph.D,
email: drkirkby@ntlworld.com 
former email address: davek@medphys.ucl.ac.uk
web page: http://www.david-kirkby.co.uk       
Amateur radio callsign: G8WRB

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