David Kirkby drkirkby@ntlworld.com
Sun, 25 Feb 2001 20:20:30 +0000

measures wrote:

> I ran a pair of paralled 4cx250Rs on 2m SSB.  The tank was 1/4 wave.
> With a screen current of c. 5mA (@400screen-v), the linearity was good.
> Output was c.900w PEP on SSB. 10w drove it.
> cheers
> -  Rich..., 805.386.3734, www.vcnet.com/measures.

I think in these arguments (anf it seems to have developed into that),
it is essential to define what 'good' is. It's a bit pointless saying
900 W at good linearity, without defining what 'good' is. Does 'good'
mean that it did not sound distorted at the other end, or that the 3rd
order products were more than x dB down ? 

Without 'good' being defined, there is little point is arguing about
whether a single 4CX250B can produce 250, 300, 450 or even 1 kW. I took
a data sheet figure of 300 W, but clearly there is some tradoffs between
power/linearity/tube life/voiding tube warrenty/and a whole host of
other things. 

Dr. David Kirkby Ph.D,
email: drkirkby@ntlworld.com 
former email address: davek@medphys.ucl.ac.uk
web page: http://www.david-kirkby.co.uk       
Amateur radio callsign: G8WRB

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