[AMPS] pride DX-300 and KW-1 versions...
Tue, 27 Feb 2001 20:43:33 -0800
You both are talking two different amplifier - transmitter
combinations. Jeff is talking about amplifiers made
for the more advanced CB Operator, the Pride DX-300
being one I've mentioned before here on amps. Rich
is referring to Collins Equipment.
Jeff is right, the DX-300 will output about 310 watts
with 4 watts drive, so will my equivalent six meter
version of which I built for my old Icom 551 (10 watt
version). It's not that clean on the air...
The problem is it's linearity is very poor, I've measured
the factory design and it's less than 30dB down on my
new HP. I have one and have spent mucho time with
the circuit to clean it up.
The CB KW-1 amplifier is even worse, I measured crap
less than 23 dB down on one some time back. Nothing
short of a complete circuit rework will clean it up.
The Collins KW-1 is a sweet animal, often seen on Ebay
for much more than it's worth. One close by me was up
for an $18,000 starting price about two weeks ago. Yep,
you read the price right.
>>>... 750w PEP is not believable for a tube that is rated
>>>at 2000v/0.25A max.
>>>BS is the fastest way to torpedo one's credibility.
>>>- Rich..., 805.386.3734, www.vcnet.com/measures.
: From: "Jeff Wolf" <da_kang@hotmail.com>
:Try the Pride DX-300 or KW-1.
:The KW-1 does not use 4cx250Bs
: Your sadly mistaken, Rich.
: The DX300 uses a tuned input for each band, and is
: rated for full power at c. 4 watts input.
: The KW-1 uses a swamped grid input, and is rated for
: c. 100 watts input.
: Both use the 4cx250.
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