[AMPS] 6146 splatter help?

measures 2@vc.net
Mon, 1 Jan 2001 12:00:58 -0800

>Since this is where the experts are--
>Is there any way to improve the splatter on my TS830s (low s/n) with RCA 
It is already the cleanest radio ever built.  .

>On voice peaks (p's, t's and ch's) there are burps like key click sup and 
>down the band about -40-60 db from the intended energy.
>It is only barley noticeable up and down with a 10+ S9 signal in another 
>rcvr (although I hear the same thing coming from my TS130
>It is clean from the 12BY7 on a spectrum analyzer (FM/AM 1100s).  It seems 
>that maybe the alc just isn't fast enough whenever the
>grid starts pulling current.  

 ALC is never fast enough.  

>The  mics I have tried are Shure 444 (desk) 
>and 404c (mobile) and they both do the same thing.  

An electret mic. makes cleaner audio. 

>mic gain is critical and goes from 0 to full slam scale around 9 o'clock 
>but less so with the processor on (15 db)  about 10 or 11
>The plate is 750v, the grid is -60v and the SG is 235.  I dropped the SG 
>down to another tap at 210v,  but there was no difference
>in operation other than Ip went from 210ma to 180ma.  Idles at 60ma.  I 
>tried opening the grid chokes on the resistors, (47 ohm) and
>tried a standby pair of GE 6146A's but no change at all.  The 9.00v and 
>3.60v are set after doing the power supply mods, and the
>vbt/carrier oscilllators have been adjusted for max bandwidth (+- 1.4 kHz 
>@ -6 db) in ssb (Thanks Rich. The Fcenter on the 455k5 was
>a wee off).   Most voltages on Q19,Q20 look good, but I can't probe the 
>alc line without messing it all up.
less ALC means less feculence.  

>So is there a problem with the alc or pa or am I chasing ghosts?  I love 
>this radio better than some of my newer ones.
With 5kHz signal spacing, there is nothing better.  

happy new year, Jim

-  Rich..., 805.386.3734, www.vcnet.com/measures.  

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