[AMPS] AL-1500, AL-82, AL-1200, QRO???

measures 2@vc.net
Wed, 17 Jan 2001 09:33:54 -0800

>Rich wrote
>> The glitch R needs to be in the positive HV lead.
>Piece of education needed for me here. The glitch resistor is there to 
>limit fault current in event of a flash-over. The only source of these big 
>currents is from the filter capacitor and the only route for the current 
>back to that cap is via the 25R resistor. So why does the resistor need to 
>be in the +ve line.
The typical positive filter cap ckt is insulated for several kV.  
The negative filter cap/cathode circuitry/fil. transformer CT is not.  


-  Rich..., 805.386.3734, www.vcnet.com/measures.  

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