[AMPS] noise+

N6BUU@aol.com N6BUU@aol.com
Fri, 19 Jan 2001 14:07:30 EST

In a message dated 01/19/2001 09:41:48 AM Pacific Standard Time, 
jtml@lanl.gov writes:

 Why do so many CB'ers, nonlicensed or out of band LIDs use so much 
 reverb and echo on their audio? Is there something useful about 
 soundling like you are in a deep well or hanging on a spring? One 
 doesn't need to consider amplifier linearity and IMD when there is no 
 intelligence being transmitted anyway.
 K5PRO >>
I would say the main reason for this, is these people "NEED ATTENTION" 
probably because they grew up with a lack of parental attention. Sort of like 
the people who have a lot of tattoos that might solicit comments (attention) 
from people. 
                                                                 hank,   n6buu

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