[AMPS] grounded grid configuration, grid 1 location

nospam4me@juno.com nospam4me@juno.com
Sat, 20 Jan 2001 11:49:53 -0800

re: g-grid circuit options... #1 grid potential 
Hello there, 
I'm working on tetrode and pentode grounded grid circuit 
design for an amplifier rebuild project. 
There are grounded grid circuits where the #1 control grid 
is tied to the cathode, others where it's removed from 
ground and cathode potential and operated with a dc bias, 
while the other grids remain grounded.  These circuit layouts 
are related to the type of tube and the ability of the #1 grid to 
deal with excessive dissipation at some drive levels.  
The 4CX250 is one such tube in which text's mention g-grid 
operation with the #1 grid at ground is not the best choice. 
Excessive grid dissipation at high drive levels might damage 
the tube.  Other tube types tend to be better suited to all 
grids grounded g-grid operation. 
I'd like to know if anyone can provide reference material - 
text name sources where I can obtain more detailed 
information about the placement of the #1 grid.?  Most 
of my Handbooks just breeze over the details.  
Please reply direct or through amps to the group. 

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