[AMPS] Protection in cathode not plate?

measures 2@vc.net
Sun, 21 Jan 2001 06:29:21 -0800

>>        I knew something was bugging me about putting the fuse in the
>> cathode ckt and it just hit me. If someone has already pointed this
>> out forgive me for repeating it. I have not been keeping up with the
>> discussion. There is one path easily overlooked in the cathode circuit
>> that the current or at least a transient may flow. That is thru the
>> transmitter's (usually solid state) output circuitry.  You may protect
>> the tube but wipe out your radio.
>> 73
>> Bill wa4lav
>Hi Bill,
>Floating the grid in a triode from chassis ground does the same 
>If you float the grids, it's a good idea to take additional steps to 
>protect the exciter from a HV dump through the cathode circuit 
>because the odds of having it happen increase.
>73, Tom W8JI

With glitch diodes in the (cathode) metering circuitry, and a glitch R in 
the positive lead, the designer avoids such.  

-  Rich..., 805.386.3734, www.vcnet.com/measures.  

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