[AMPS] Clipperton L amplifier

measures 2@vc.net
Mon, 22 Jan 2001 07:59:58 -0800

>>  >HF g-g amplifiers are quite unlikely to oscillate below 
>>  >the grid resonance. For a 3-500Z, this is c. 80MHz.  
>> The original comment was about shielding the screen 
>> supply...... hardly applicable to 3-500Zs.
>It's wrong anyway Peter. As Rich's theories fall apart, he has had 
>to "make" tubes oscillate lower and lower in frequency.
>3-500Z's tend to oscillate above two meters, ...

In an AL-80 or SB-1000, they oscillate c. 150MHz.  .  In a SB-220,  
110MHz.  In the Henry 2k-4, they oscillate c. 95MHz.  


-  Rich..., 805.386.3734, www.vcnet.com/measures.  

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