[AMPS] Clipperton help

Bill Aycock baycock@HIWAAY.NET
Thu, 25 Jan 2001 17:20:39 -0600

I have followed, and participated in, the recent Clipperton L  Thread- Have
learned MUCH. But, I have a mixed answer that I need more help on.

Tom says the Clipperton can easily be made to oscillate in the HF region,
when set to 10M settings, and that I should 'Bite the bullet' and
neutralize it. 

Rich says that several Amp manufacturers tried to neutralize GG amps, and
had no success.

I dont want to fry my 'new to me' Clipperton, which now has the 10M mods
completed. (earlier owner[s] had only done half the job).

You see my quandry? I need claification, or help. until I learn more, I
will plan to just put it on lower bands, and avoid the 10m settings. I dont
mind learning at the cost of popping and replacing a few resistors and
hand-would chokes, but I dont really want to buy new tubes, 4 at a time.

Any help really appreciated. Any good references on GG amps to recommend?

Bill Aycock   ---   Persimmon Hill 
 Woodville, Alabama, US 35776
 (in the N.E. corner of the State)
      W4BSG   --   Grid EM64vr

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