[AMPS] linear amps

measures 2@vc.net
Mon, 29 Jan 2001 10:14:57 -0800

> sooner or later I'll get it right. I've been watching the discuusions on
>"neutralizing GG amps". It's interesting but I've never seen anything in
>writing on the subject! 

>Can anyone tell me where to get some info on it??

G-G "neutralization" exists only in the Rauchian World.  

Gonset was apparently the first to try neutralization.  It was on a 4 x 
811A g-g amp.  It tended to oscillate.  I removed the "neutralization" 
from one and it stopped oscillating.  // Heath tried neutralizing the 
Warrior.   Although I never saw one oscillate, the Warrior reportedly 
tended to oscillate.  Heath apparently learned their lesson.  The next 
Heath amp., the SB-200, was not "neutralized".  The SB-220 was not 
"neutralized".  The SB-230 is not "neutralized".  //  The AL-1200 was 
built 2 ways.  "Neutralized" and not.  One of my suppressor retrofit 
customers owns one of each.  Both versions reportedly oscillated.  

>I'm always willing to learn something, if that's possible at this late date,
>HI, HI!! thanks.   carl / kz5ca
I have learned that self-declared  "experts" are quite unlikly to admit 

 The AL-1500  remains the only HF/MF 8877 amp. in the whole world that 
has no VHF suppressor.  /pse see Figure 24 on my Web site.  

Cheers, Carl.   

-  Rich..., 805.386.3734, www.vcnet.com/measures.  

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