[AMPS] linear amps

measures 2@vc.net
Mon, 29 Jan 2001 15:21:13 -0800

>>  sooner or later I'll get it right. I've been watching the discuusions
>>  on
>> "neutralizing GG amps". It's interesting but I've never seen anything
>> in writing on the subject! Can anyone tell me where to get some info
>> on it?? I'm always willing to learn something, if that's possible at
>> this late date, HI, HI!! thanks.   carl / kz5ca
>Hi Carl,
>Examples of GG tubes that often need neutralized include the 
>3CX1200A7 and D7, pairs of 572B's, and (4) 811A's. The reason 
>they need neutralized is the long grid leads and poor 
>cathode/anode shielding inside the tube allows a considerable 
>amount of feedback capacitance from anode to cathode.
>Regenerative feedback shows up as a lack of having maximum 
>output at minimum plate current on higher HF bands, or as a 
>stability problem near the operating frequency under "light" or no 
>loading of the PA.
>The earliest commercial amps to neutralize the tubes include the 
>Heath Warrior (4   811A's) and the Gonset 4 811A amplifier. In 
>those amps, they added a third winding to the filament choke and 
>used a conventional neutralizing-style capacitor between the 
>ground end of that filament transformer end of that winding and the 
>tuning cap end of the tank. The end of the winding nearest the 
>filaments was grounded.
Gonset and Heath never built another "neutralized" g-g amplifier.  

>The AL-1200, AL-811H, and AL-572 Ameritrons all use a separate 
>broadband transformer to invert phase and the first two have a 
>neutralizing probe while the 572 has a coaxial slide capacitor for 
>This is actually 

(key word)

>a form of  bridge-type neutralization, and you can 
>find it described in many books. 

call for reference.  

>It has many applications, including 
>grid driven systems.
Not in any AB1 amp. I am aware of.  The Bruene neutralization circuit is 
the slam-dunk.

>This does not cure the "problems" wrongly attributed to 
>"parasitics", ...

here we go again.  

-  Rich..., 805.386.3734, www.vcnet.com/measures.  

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