[AMPS] linear amps
Eric Moore
Eric Moore" <emoore@windemullerelectric.com
Tue, 30 Jan 2001 10:49:33 -0500
Are there any other source for schematics on the web, other than the MFJ
site (which only has the 811A based amplifier schematics as far as I can
I just want to study some other circuits as a student of RF Amplification.
I have the SB-220 Schematic, the Collins 30L-1, and Yeasu FL-2100Z. I would
really like to see a 3CX800 or larger in action. 572B's are also
interesting. If anyone has any they would like to share, my ISP has set up
my email to be able to accept email attachments up 40Mb, so size should not
be an issue. VHF amps would also be nice!
This has been an interesting thread.
Thanks and I still have lots to learn,
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