[AMPS] Bird wattmeter elemnt question

W3GCG@aol.com W3GCG@aol.com
Mon, 2 Jul 2001 14:26:29 EDT

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I have a 5 KW Bird slug that does not work in the Bird 43 wattmeter.  I 
believe that it fit's a Bird dummy load with provisions for a wattmeter.  You 
might call Bird and check.  VW

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<HTML><FONT FACE=arial,helvetica><BODY BGCOLOR="#ffffff"><FONT  COLOR="#ff0000" SIZE=2><B><I>I have a 5 KW Bird slug that does not work in the Bird 43 wattmeter. &nbsp;I 
<BR>believe that it fit's a Bird dummy load with provisions for a wattmeter. &nbsp;You 
<BR>might call Bird and check. &nbsp;VW</B></I></FONT></HTML>


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