[AMPS] Ham Radio Magazine Overstock Issues

Robin E. Midgett rmidgett@bellsouth.net
Sat, 07 Jul 2001 17:13:36 -0500

I offer my overstock of printed issues for trade with someone who needs (?) 
the issues listed below. These are duplicate issues for me which I would 
like to trade (even) for printed issues that I do not have.
Timing is everything; I have been working on this collection for a few 
years. Now that HR magazine is on CDROM, perhaps some folks will be willing 
to negotiate. Please notice that I lack almost the 1980 -1990 decade of issues.

Year    Overstock Issues                Desired Issues
1969    Sept, Oct, Nov                  July

1970    Jan - Mar, Jun, Jul, Sept

1971    March-November

1972    October

1973                                    Jan, Feb

1975    Sept

1976    Nov

1978    Mar, Aug - Nov

1979    Jan                             Apr, Sept - Dec

                                         1980-1990, all issues with the 
exception of Jan. 1983, Aug & Oct 1988

Robin E. Midgett KB4IDC
VHF+ Glutton

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