[AMPS] AM-6155 432 MHz Modified Cavity Needed

K7xq@aol.com K7xq@aol.com
Mon, 9 Jul 2001 01:09:51 EDT

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Hello All,
Awhile ago, I acquired a AM-6155 and converted it to run on 432 MHz. 
Apparently, I didn't do a good enough job as I cannot get more than 100 watts 
out of the cavity. Instead of trying to fix it, I decided that I will just 
look for another AM-6155 Cavity that has been properly modified to operate on 
432 MHz. Apparently, they are capable of putting output about 300 - 400 watts 
if properly modified. So.... if anyone has one of these cavities available 
for sale, please let me know. I am trying to upgrade my 432 MHz power up to 
the 300 - 400 watt range for now.

BTW: I know my power supply is working fine because I tried to swap it out 
with my good working AM-6154 with the same results.

Jeff K7XQ

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<HTML><FONT FACE=arial,helvetica><BODY BGCOLOR="#ffffff"><FONT  SIZE=2>Hello All,
<BR>Awhile ago, I acquired a AM-6155 and converted it to run on 432 MHz. 
<BR>Apparently, I didn't do a good enough job as I cannot get more than 100 watts 
<BR>out of the cavity. Instead of trying to fix it, I decided that I will just 
<BR>look for another AM-6155 Cavity that has been properly modified to operate on 
<BR>432 MHz. Apparently, they are capable of putting output about 300 - 400 watts 
<BR>if properly modified. So.... if anyone has one of these cavities available 
<BR>for sale, please let me know. I am trying to upgrade my 432 MHz power up to 
<BR>the 300 - 400 watt range for now.
<BR>BTW: I know my power supply is working fine because I tried to swap it out 
<BR>with my good working AM-6154 with the same results.
<BR>Jeff K7XQ


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