[AMPS] Tuned Input Circuit Board

Pete Smith n4zr@contesting.com
Wed, 11 Jul 2001 11:34:03 -0400

At 10:33 AM 7/11/01 -0400, Tom Rauch wrote:
>> FAR Circuits is offering up a copy of the Tuned Input
>> Board made for the Dentron GLA-1000B amplifier.  It
>> may be a good way to install a Tuned Input into other
>> amps.  I have some of them and have found them to be
>> excellent boards and very well made.
>Amp supply and Dentron always had trouble with DIP relay failures 
>in the ten meter position of that board when used for heavy CW 
>use, like contesting. This was especially true with tubes having a 
>lot of input capacitance or low driving impedances.
>Other than being unreliable with high duty-cycle ten meter 
>operation, and an occasional problem on 15 meters, the boards 
>worked quite well. 

Can we infer from this that replacing the 10 and 15m relays with something
beefier (for example, the NAiS/Aromat relays used in the Top Ten relay
boxes) would lead to a reliable input system?  The price is sure right at
~$2.00 each...

73, Pete N4ZR
No, no ... that's WEST Virginia

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